A review by babsleo
Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein


yeah this is going to be a no from me.

the book summary alludes to a scandal and it’s impact on the main character’s relationship and that “scandal” turns out to be horrific experiences of sexual violence in the gymnastic sport space. the inclusion of sexual assault stories in the book does not surprise me, but what the author did with this plot line was not good. for the book supposedly focusing on this plot line, not many details were given and I don’t think it was fleshed out well. I don’t think this plot line was meant for a romance book. it tried to be two things at once and failed.

ALSO, the most annoying part was that the conflict between Avery and Ryan was because Ryan wanted to work for her former coach who was EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE and TAKE HALLIE WITH HIM, even after Avery told Ryan about her experience. he only decided to not take the job when he witnessed the abuse in person. for a book that is supposed to be about bringing awareness to sexual violence and abuse, I can’t believe that was the road the author tried to take.

of course, after this happened, nothing could redeem ryan for me, even after he made nice gestures and won Avery back. donating three thousand dollars to her foundation to protect gymnasts doesn’t cover it for me, SORRY. call me crazy I don’t care.

definitely don’t recommend.