A review by laurensboookshelf
Lies You Never Told Me by Jennifer Donaldson


I was sorely disappointed by this book. I had very high hopes for it, but I was let down. The only time I had any enjoyment of this book was in the last 50 pages, and even then, I wasn't really enjoying it very much.

Things I didn't like:
-instalove to the max
-alternating perspectives that took away from connection to characters
-Snapchat usage (it wasn't correct?!) and other little inconsistencies
-lack of character depth/arcs/relationships
-poorly done, in-your-face Romeo + Juliet parallel
-most of the characters

The characters I liked were only Vivi, Irene, and Caleb. I had neutral feelings about Elyse and Gabe, but other than that I disliked most everyone else. They just weren't well done characters for me.

For a full spoiler-free review going in more in depth about all these problems, check out my blog review going live on May 24!