A review by writetoexpress
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken


Seemingly forever stuck in her small desert village, Sydelle Mirabil, never expected the end of a ten-year drought to bring so much hardship and sorrow. Startled awake in the middle of the night, a brewing storm threatens the safety of the quaint village. Forced to flee with a mysterious, young wizard and equipped with her loom, Sydelle more or less accepts the deadly challenges that may lay ahead. Literally swept off her feet, Sydelle and Wayland North trek across the country, wary of the dangers that lurk in their paths. Murderous wizards and painful pasts attempt to detail their month long journey in seek of help, raising tensions and their worth of each other’s company. The ahead journey is long and tiresome, requiring every ounce of strength, courage, and bravery they can muster. Sydelle must see past the lies that obstruct her from reaching a future without war. A beautiful tale of adventure filled with friendship, magic, and love.

Over the course of the book, secrets run wild, jerking the story from one direction to another. Don’t get too comfortable, because your heart will be racing within minutes after picking this book up. I’m not normally one to like the added romance in the mists of epic fantasy, but I don’t think I would’ve liked it as much without it. Sydelle and Wayland have their struggles from time to time, making the story even more believable and interesting. Their relationship may have a few strained threads, but overall they weave together in an adorable way. Throughout the book, Sydelle proves that she doesn’t need someone continuously protecting her. Her determination and stubbornness are something I think many people can relate with.

Oh my goodness, the world building in this book is phenomenal. I lost myself immediately! I’m very drawn to these particular stories. The unique adventure, the overwhelming sense of danger, and a thrilling climax keep your eyes glued to each page, thirsty for more. I’m a huge fan of the unexpected twists and turns, although they did jackknife my heart a few times.

I bought this book at my local library’s book sale only because of the author! I was completely taken aback when I discovered that Brightly Woven was Alexandra Bracken’s debut novel. I felt as if I had discovered a hidden gem beneath the tattered, yellow-paged paperbacks. Bracken’s writing is truly breathtaking and extremely entertaining to be enveloped in for long periods of time. I greatly admire her as a writer and all of her works. Her characters are thoroughly developed, exhibiting weaknesses and strengths in numerous categories. This book is definitely one of my all time favorites!