A review by mabookyard
The Dreaming, Vol. 1: Pathways and Emanations by Bilquis Evely, Neil Gaiman, Simon Spurrier


My Rating : 3

Thank you so much Netgalley for the copy of the review copy. All opinions are my own and not influenced in any way.
When I first saw Neil Gaiman's name in the author list I immediately requested this book! This book had an amazing artwork and the art style never ceases to amaze me. But when it came to the actual plot line and the writing, I expected much more than it delivered. Maybe because I am a huge fan of Neil Gaiman and I might be influenced a little ? I wouldn't say the cover art, blurb were misleading, but it was not a match to the actual story.
Overall, I should say I was not impressed with this universe and the story. If you are a fan of Spurrier and the Sandman universe, maybe check this book out for the art style. But I wouldn't recommend new Graphic novel readers to start with this book