A review by kristi518
The Crooked Path by Irma Joubert


After reading The Girl From the Train I knew I wanted to read more from this author. I was happy to get this book and start reading it. Little did I know it was going to take me on a journey that I probably wasn't prepared for but glad I got to experience. This story will have you feeling sad, tired, and angry. It will also have you feeling happy, optimistic, and relieved. Simply put, this book will make you feel.

While Lettie is the main character in the book there is a host of others. Each is a complex character who is relevant to the overall story and has their own story to tell. While we meet Lettie while she is an awkward young girl we get to see her bloom into a confident and attractive adult. Lettie is one of those characters that is impossible to not like because she is so realistically created and there is a bit of Lettie in all of us.

Meeting Marco was a bit difficult. Reading about his life during the war and the sacrifices he made for the girl he loved and her family was a wonderful example of what true love is. I must admit that reading about his time as a prisoner in the camps was hard and I think for the first time I was able to understand what it was like for those that found themselves in these horrible conditions.

I love this author's writing style. Her descriptions made me feel as if I were there along with the characters and her way of telling a story is just excellent. She knows how to pull readers in and keep them interested in the story until the end. Even though this book is 400 pages I found it to be a quick read. Once I started reading I couldn't put the book down.

The Crooked Path is a story of growing up, friendship, love, and heartache. It is a well-written story that fans of historical fiction are sure to love. This book is the third in the trilogy but is a true standalone. In fact, I didn't know the book was part of a series until I was finished with it. I definitely recommend this book!

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and was not required to write a review. All opinions are mine.