A review by tabman678
The New Avengers, Volume 10: Power by Brian Michael Bendis


This volume really behind the dark reign when people handed the keys to the kingdom over to Norman Osborn. Dumb idea but it makes for an interesting story and this volume of New Avengers is solid

I’ve said how if you like Bendis this’ll work and if you don’t it won’t, that applies here as well. This is definitely a Bendis title.

My biggest problem is the lack of focus on Spider-Man. He doesn’t seem as smart as he is in his main title and Norman Osborn is HIS villain. So what gives.

But it’s a really enjoyable read with Luke Cage going after his kid and the setup for Dark Reign.

Though I’m giving it three stars because of Spider-Man and the whole strain on Luke and Jessica’s marriage is never addressed here, it just went away.

3 stars.