A review by reviewerlarissa
Ramen Assassin by Rhys Ford


With Ramen Assassin, Rhys Ford has created a new setting for a suspenseful, action-filled, sexy romantic story - Rhys Ford-style.

Ramen Assissin is the first book in a new series and it’s very much a set-up for the rest of the stories. It introduces the reader to former covert operative with a shady past Kuro who has turned to making ramen goodies in his shop and former child star Trey who has fallen very very very far from grace, especially in the eyes of his messed-up family.

True to the author’s style, the story starts right in the middle of an action packed scene and it doesn’t stop there. We get a long introduction into both Kuro and Trey. Especially when Trey literally runs from a dead body into Kuro’s arms.

From there the reader is thrown straight into a mystery and an instant romance between Trey and Kuro. While it’s obvious from the start the two are meant to be, it was a little too easy how to two went from meeting to falling in love.

Trey’s past is another one. A huge part of the story went out racking him over very hot coals due to his past. While the resentment is understandable, the constant reminding and emotional abuse gets old soon and it makes for a little mismatch in the story.

Kuro is another mystery. One I think will unfold more in future stories.

In all Ramen Assassin was a very nice start of a new series, one that will hopefully continue to grow.