A review by booksuperpower
The Hungarian by Stephanie Burkhart


The Hungarian by Stephanie Burkhart is a 2012 Desert Breeze Publishing release. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is the first book in the Budapest Moon series.

This is an unusual werewolf paranormal story with a slight Gothic tone. Katherine is living with her uncle and cousin, Liz when she meets a man named Matthias Duma. The two forge an instant connection as they share an interest in astrology.
Matthias is now a widower and raising his daughter, Emily with the help of his Hungarian staff. But, his English mother-in-law is trying to insert her power over Matthias is a effort to perhaps obtain custody of her granddaughter. Then there is the ever present rivalry with Count Varga and the complicated history between the two men.

This story is not only a love story but a mystery and family drama. Yes, Matthias is a wolf and he will have to let Katherine know about his condition, but he is also a very moody, jealous, and complicated man that Katherine doesn't always understand. The events that led up the death of Matthias' first wife, has him feeling more jealous and threatened than ever when Varga begins to take an interest in Katherine. But, Katherine is no shrinking violet. She knows that in order for them to live their lives in peace, the truth will have to be told, but how will she be able to prove to Varga that he is wrong about Matthias?

Strangely atmospheric with a dark tone, the story reminded me of the old school historical Gothics of the 1970's only with a paranormal slant. Mainly, drama is at the forefront more so than action and the romance is very realistic and true to the time period. Matthias is not the usual hero , but is projected in a masculine way that is old fashioned and also romantic, even if he is difficult to figure out at times. The most important thread in the book involves the rivalry with Vargas and the way Katherine works to discover the truth once and for all. I do wonder if we will see Vargas again in the future. I kind of felt sorry for him.
The book is a slow mover and at times when I felt restless, wanting the pace to speed up just a little, but I think overall this slowness added to the melodrama.

Since this is the first book in the series I am curious to see what will come next. I already have the second book queued up and ready to go. Overall, I think this one might be an acquired taste for some, but it's my kind of Paranormal/Gothic romance. 4 stars