A review by booksbasilbabies
Carrie by Stephen King


I read this book in the space of two hours. Devoured it. It’s the first Stephen King book I’ve ever read fully. It won’t be the last.

Everyone has their book when they think of the name Stephen King. Carrie was always one of mine. But I had never read it. I’ve seen the movie, and it was good. Really good. But this? This book. It turned my stomach in the best way.

Carrie’s life...her story...it’s so famous. Everyone knows who Carrie is, even if they’ve never read the book. I knew who she was long long long before this. But this book is a masterpiece. This book is incomparable. This book weaves the story of a broken girl who sweeps the world with a bang. That brave wild violent girl. I’ve never felt so deeply for a character as I did for Carrie White. And I GET why King is the master of horror. This book was horrifying and beautiful and brutally heartbreaking.

Yes to Carrie. Yes to Stephen King. Yes yes yes. Yes.