A review by mehsi
Little Witches: Magic in Concord by Leigh Dragoon


I received this graphic novel from Netgalley.

This will be a short review, the words just won't come for this book. I have never really read the original Little Women, and never will have plans to read it. However I am always interested in retellings, and this one has witches! It was quite an interesting read, though at times also very boring. I felt sad for Jo and I still don't get why everyone is treating her the way they do. She seems quite powerful, and really, you can see what happens when you hold her out of everything, it goes wrong. Bonds are broken. I loved Laurie, he was such a sweetie. Not a fan of Amy. Whodunnit was very nice and I hadn't expected that person. The art was quite fabulous. Also does it end with the girls in the living room or is my copy broken?