A review by jamietherebelliousreader
His Plan for the Quintuplets by Cathy Gillen Thacker


4 stars. This was so good. I loved that Gabe and Susannah had such an extensive history with one another. Their chemistry was great and I thought they both were great characters. They both have had rough childhoods, Gabe is trying to heal from it but Susannah is still hurting and a lot of her actions reflect that. Gabe was incredibly patient and caring. I thought their relationship was great and developed nicely. I also really liked the side characters, especially Susannah’s quintuplets. They were super adorable and rambunctious. The ending was nicely wrapped up and I appreciate that the third act drama was resolved quickly instead of needlessly dragged on. The characters talked things out like adults which is always wonderful. Great read and I will definitely read book two since it follows Gabe’s brother, Cade, and I did really like his character.