A review by tien
A Conspiracy of Alchemists by Liesel Schwarz


An intriguing beginning with a quick intro of main characters was one of the things I really enjoyed with this book. It was a fairly quick and easy read with lots of actions and hidden romantic tensions.

A great combination of the paranormal of magic & supernatural creatures with thrilling mysteries of secret societies and ceremonies plus a dash of romance which I read in a day. It just wasn’t possible to put the book down. I really liked both Elle and Hugh –she was independent, brave, and resilient whilst he was strong, patient, and absolutely charming.

The romantic tension was deliciously throughout the book however I would warn you not to expect more than that. Besides a kiss or two, there isn’t much else so this is a very clean book in this respect.

I like the plot development right up to the end where whilst I liked the ‘decision’ but not the action consequent to that decision*. I thought that was kind of stupid considering what they’ve been through and what’s waiting in the horizon but then again, that’s what my brain in telling me. We are probably being set up for the next book.
*It’s vague but there isn’t another way to describe it without spoilers.

Thank you, Del Rey and Edelweiss for the privilege to read & review a copy of this book