A review by lazyydaisy
Three Broken Promises by Monica Murphy


Ever since I read the first book earlier this year, I've been in love with Monica Murphy's writing. When I heard Jen and Colin were getting their own book I was beyond thrilled. And while this book doesn't have the same emotional punch like the first two books it was still a really great addition!

Jen is ready to move on. From this town, from her secrets, and unfortunately, Collin. She has a past she's not proud of but at the time she felt like it was her only option. Collin saved her from it but he doesn't know the full extent of what is was like and what she was doing. And if he knew, Jen feels likes he won't want anything to do with her at all. Here's the thing about Jen, I had things that I both liked and disliked about her. At times she seemed so strong and I loved her for it. And in a way she really is. Trying to move on, to keep going after everything. But then, right after she would seem weak. I just wish she was more independent. I love Collin for helping her but I wish we could have seen her save herself instead of always depending on Collin to help her.

Collin has been living with guilt for a really long time. He can't help but feel responsible for everything that happened with Jen, with her brother and even her family. He feels like he let people down and so he's always trying to save Jen. I loved Collin and I especially loved that we got to read from his POV as well. The one thing I didn't like about him was that he was a runner. Meaning every time things got hard or feelings were brought up, he would run away and ignore it. Which makes me wonder if he's always going to do that with Jen in the future. As the book went on you could definitely see some character growth between both of them, I just hope to see more of it as the series goes on.

Despite the small issues I had with the characters, I could't stop reading! I started this book at around 10 pm and I told myself I just wanted to read a chapter or two but four hours later I was fighting sleep to see what would happen next. I'm so in love with this series and I can't wait to read Owen's story next!

*Received as part of a blog tour and in exchange for an honest review.
**View more reviews at Anna's Book Blog