A review by aruna_dhi
My Heart Goes Bang by Keris Stainton

funny hopeful


This is the perfect book for the new adult genre. Set during the cast's second year of university it really captures what it's like to be navigating this new social circumstance, whilst juggling your university work. The cast is really diverse and relatable, with each of them facing very realistic issues that young women at University face. The relationships between the girls in the house are written remarkably well, showing the ups and downs of living in a house with a group of people who might not have been friends in a different circumstance.

This book is really easy to read, and it's very hard to put down once you pick it up! Not only is there good LGBTQ+ representation, but it is amazing to see such a sex positive, female driven book. This is the first book I've read by Keris Stainton, but I am keen to read more of her work, and hope to enjoy it as much as I have this one!