A review by gabookaholics
The Naughty Princess by Claire Contreras


This was a fun addition to the series. It’s a novella so you can and should expect it to be shorter than you’re used to typically. I think because of this I felt like some parts we didn’t get enough detail in, like I especially wanted more time after the book ended if that makes sense. I wasn’t ready for it to be over when it was over. I do know there’s another book in the series coming soon though so I am hopeful I’ll get to see more Pilar and Ben there. Overall, I liked Pilar’s story. I did feel like she was just really young and not necessarily immature but just naive maybe? I think because of that, there was a part of me that couldn’t really connect as well with her as I did with Adeline for some reason. Plus, when you have a guy like Ben who clearly is smitten and you end things for the reason she did? I get it’s a huge commitment but if you really love someone you’ll figure out a way. Which she did in the long run I know, but I just kind of felt like that was some unnecessary angst they put themselves through. However, I still enjoyed the giddy feelings you get through reading the story and Ben and Pilar falling for each other. I loved Amir’s character. I loved getting to hear more about Addie and Eli. And this book definitely got me more excited for Aramis’ book... I can’t wait to read that one!!!