A review by giorgiareads
Comanche Heart by Catherine Anderson


3 Stars

Well, this was a major disappointment.

The story follows two characters that were introduced in the previous book Comanche Moon. In that book they were only 12 and 15 years old but they left such a lasting impression on me because of how pure their relationship was.

At the time, Amy went through a horrific ordeal and Hunter, the hero from Comanche Moon, helped her, then brought her back to his village to be with her cousin Loretta. There, while she heals, Swift who was at the time a young Comanche warrior at only 15 does everything possible to become her friend because he is quite taken with her, (having seen her first some time ago and thought her to be courageous and beautiful). They become very good friends and eventually they both decide to make a promise that they will wait for each other and after the war is over, Swift will come back for Amy.. and live happy ever after, I suppose.

As you guessed it, things don’t go to plan and 15 years go by, in which a lot of things changed except the feelings they had for each other.

So that is where the story starts and where the story gets ruined. I can’t believe that two characters so intriguing and so rich in personality, get this watered down plot with a 180 shift in character. I understand that people change over the course of 15 years and that in the last book they were very young but I loved them more in those few scenes they got there than this whole book.

Swift’s character never got any development in this and Amy became a shell of her younger self (and it’s all rationalised by trauma- but I didn’t buy it in this instance)

The plot was flimsy and boring, there was a lot of repetitive stuff and the sentimentalism which made the previous book epic for me, only made this one seem shallow.

This was a major disappointment and the 3 stars are for the fact that we got more Hunter&Loretta&their kids.