A review by abkeuser
Silver Linings by Pip Ballantine, Tee Morris


This will be a short review for a short story. Silver linings is an interesting addition to the MoPo series, it felt out of time… though very much in place. That might be because I did not read it in between the first and second books. (Oops)

Eliza’s description as “diminutive” seemed wrong to me. I’ve always imagined her as athletically sturdy. The term diminutive makes me think of a tiny, breakable thing. Perhaps that is because she has such a bullheaded personality. She just doesn’t seem like a small person.

The artifact in question makes sense with the title, but was not what I expected from the Egyptian setting. That being said, it was a quirk that made the book a little bit better. The only real oddity in the plot that struck me was the “camels as tanks” idea. It adds an amusing whimsy, but seems to detract from the seriousness of the plot at that exact moment.

The story has a thought-provoking—if not completely tied-up ending. I would have preferred a more definitive conclusion… but I do like the implication of what happened to Donahue.