A review by alandd
Bliss #1 by Sean Lewis


Una propuesta prometedora. El desarrollo es sencillo, ligero, con un estilo directo pero con buen ritmo. El arte es impecable en todos los sentidos y combina bien con el guiĆ³n; ambos tienen esa oscuridad que parece arrastrase sin que la percibas. Aunque no nos cuenta mucho y trata de sentar altas expectativas que no vemos materializadas del todo, te mantiene atento en todo momento.

A promising proposal. The development is simple, light, with a direct style but with a good rhythm. The art is impeccable in every way and blends well with the script; both have that darkness that seems to creep without you perceiving it. Although it doesn't tell us much and tries to set high expectations that we do not see fully materialized, it keeps you attentive at all times.