A review by simmonsmry
The Bridge by Jackie Carpenter


This story, based on the true events in the life of Jason Veitch and his loved ones, is emotionally relayed by his mother, Jackie Carpenter. She conveys how her son was accused of murder, then takes readers through the trial and the miraculous outcome. Carpenter acknowledges that she and her family were only able to make it through this trying time due to their immense faith, relying on prayer and scriptural support to remind them of God’s awesome presence and influence.
Upon receiving this book to review, the first thing I did was turn to my Bible and read Psalm 91. Since this psalm was significant enough to be included in the title, I figured I should re-acquaint myself with it before I plunged into the book. I would recommend others to do the same and to keep the psalmist’s words in mind throughout the reading of this book. The passage deals with the security of those who trust in the Lord and was a source of strength for the author while her son was enduring these horrific circumstances. Throughout the book, Carpenter shares other scriptural passages and verses that were helpful to her at this time, not always writing them out; therefore, it would be helpful to have a Bible close at hand while reading.
Carpenter does not claim to be a professional writer. She was inspired to share this story of her family’s most difficult time to encourage others to keep their faith while “miring down in quicksand with no hope of survival.” She is adamant that God can perform miracles and her own experience is testimony to that fact. At times, the writing is less than stellar, but the heart of the story is powerful and compelling.
‘The Bridge’ relays how God can use horrible situations to work miracles. While Jason was incarcerated, his reliance on the Bible for strength prompted other prisoners to confront him about his faith. He was able to testify and make a difference in their lives, starting a prayer meeting that could continue long after he left the jail. God is bigger and more powerful than we can imagine. Remembering this allowed Jackie to work through her discouragement. She says, “I realized that I needed to have faith in the unseen and not the seen.” (p.45)