A review by tears_into_wine
Satan, Are you there? It's me, Laura by Aisling Fae


Actual rating: 3,5 stars

Content warnings: misgendering, hints of cissexism; a scene with a bit of blood (nothing violent though); probably blasphemy or something like that

"Satan, Are you there? It's me, Laura" by Aisling Fae was a fun read about gay trans girl (I think she might be neuroatypical too?) who tries to summon Satan and gets to meet both God and Satan. The events give her some new information and a fresh viewpoint on some biblical events and persons.

Satan is a trans woman and she's pretty awesome, I actually loved her portayal a lot. She is also God's ex and Jesus' mother. What's not to adore?

I loved Laura a lot! She's sassy and weird and simply awesome. The end was also super cool. Overall, I really enjoyed this stort story. Only the writing style is pretty, let's say, plain, so if you're into fancy choice of words, super fine text crafting etc., this might not be for you.