A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Captive of Wolves by Eva Chase


I think Eva Chase recommended this book three times already. Every time I asked for a disabled lead in a fantasy world with loads of politics and more plot than sex, this book came up. I'm glad however that I waited for the collection editions to be released to start reading. The hardcovers each containing three books of the series are insanely pretty! But, last week the first hardcover came in so it was time to finally start this highly anticipated series.

I was NOT disappointed! From the very first chapter I was sucked into the story and it was hard to put the book down or to focus on the review copies I also had to read this week. The author does an amazing job setting the atmosphere and picturing the world of the Fae without showing us much about it. After all, our heroine basically spends the entire book as a captive. Either in a cage or in a luxury mansion.

It's clear that the politics isn't showing its face often in this book yet. However, I feel and know that it's coming. After all, our heroine is the cure to a growing Fae problem and she has been stolen from the cadre that had her. It's a matter of time before the cadre figured out who got the girl and before the politics will take over. I'm already looking forward to it, because the glimpses of the politics we got in this book were amazing.

I however absolutely loved the characters in this book! It's clear that the men are still hiding parts of themselves and their history and I can't wait to get to know them better in future books, but it was incredibly easy to understand why our heroine would fall for them so quickly. And even though our heroine has some growing to do, especially when it comes to risk taking, I love her heart of gold and her will to do what's best for the people she loves.

I can't wait to dive into the next book!