A review by crustypatriot
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins


I read this book around 10 years ago in high school and I liked it quite a bit. Upon rereading it however, I appreciated and loved this book even more than before. I was hooked for the entire book even though I knew the ending.

The only con I have about this book is how short it is at 374 pages. I feel like the plot moves astronomically fast. The author could have easily made this book go more into detail and be 500-700 pages even. Not a major con however.

Im not usually a YA fan at all, but The Hunger Games is the least "childish" YA book there is. Very brutal and engaging plot. At this point its pretty much a YA classic even though it was published less than 15 years ago. A must read for nearly any fan of YA and/or dystopion genre.
4.5 out of 5 stars (rounded up to 5)