A review by eesh25
Noble Hops by Layla Reyne


4.5 Stars

We're finally addressing the Vaughn problem. It's something that's been looming over the characters from book 1, but it hasn't been the main plot until now. First, there was the heist crew, then finding Cam's sister. But Vaughn has still been a presence in the background the entire time, so you get a feeling of finality when he becomes the focus, at last.

Nic has been building a case for a while. It's what he does best and, honestly, I love that the goal here isn't to win some big macho fight, but to collect evidence that can put Vaughn put away for good. Sure, some fight-ish stuff does happen, but it's mostly because Vaughn is a jackass. On Nic and Cam's side, they know what needs to be done, and they're smart about it. I love them for that. And I just love them in general, because they're great guys, and they have a beautiful relationship.

Other than Vaughn, some things from Nic's past come up. I think we all kinda expected that to happen. And for Nic and Cam to truly have their happy ending, it needed to happen. I mean, even a scene that had a predictable misunderstanding, the author found a way to not make it annoying or drawn-out and instead turned it into an essential conversation that Nic and Cam needed to have.

This was a great conclusion to a great series that I very much enjoyed reading. I loved the relationship between the protagonists, I loved that the series valued friendship, and I loved seeing Jamie and Aidan again.

I did find the "family" stuff to be cheesy, and there were still the issues I mentioned in the previous reviews, but overall, I liked almost everything. And even though it doesn't seem likely, I hope we'll get to revisit these characters, maybe in the form of a series following a different couple. Because there are things hinted at that could lead to another series. Fingers crossed!