A review by davidgreenwriter
All Hallows Airship by Liz Delton


An enjoyable, smooth, cozy read to be devoured in one sitting - preferably with some pastries and the hot beverage of your choice.

Caz's All-Hallow's fantasy tale manages to combine a number of genres and styles in its slim page count: coming-of-age, cozy, steampunk, and mystery are all explored here. But, underlying it all, is a story about a young woman learning to chase her passions.

The sense of place here is wonderful. Delton anchor's All Hallows Airship with autumnal feel using sights, sounds, smells, and events to really sell the seasonal experience. It's well-written too, and Caz is a likeable character to follow.

A lovely novella, best read at Halloween when the days are growing darker and colder. This book will no doubt increase the coziness factor no matter the weather outside.