A review by sonofthunder
Triplanetary by E.E. "Doc" Smith


Speaking of classic sci-fi...this novel was originally published in serialized form in...wait for it...1934! So back we go! My paperback version I picked up was a 1949 version. Still four years before Dad was born!! This is another book that isn't a masterpiece, but still highly enjoyable, partly just for getting a window into the 1930s mindset! This book has a lot of great action pieces that are a bit ridiculous but...hey, it's still good old fashioned fun. You can tell when it was written because one of the most deadly weapons in the book (used twice) is a type of nerve gas (still very much on the minds of people back in the post Great War days). The dialogue in this book is fantastic...mostly because it's really not how people talk today, but it tickled my imagination to have all these futuristic characters using 1930s American slang! Love it. I haven't yet decided if I will get any more books in this series, but I definitely enjoyed reading it. A good book to read on the airplane as I flew to Tampa a few weeks ago...