A review by desiree_mcl
The Consequence by Giana Darling


5 stars!

Another book I could not put down. When I was at about 70% through this, I made myself set it down because I had to get some cleaning done but my reward for cleaning and housework was going to be that last 30%.

Ended on a cliffhanger in the previous book, so I immediately started this one after.

One of the rare times in this entire trilogy, where I sided with Elena. I understood her anger, her hurt, and unfortunately in those moments a person can say things that deeply hurt the other party, whether true or not.

However what did tick me off and again make me start thinking 'screw you' to Elena was the e-mail she sent Sinclair after the blow up.
SpoilerGah, she just can't be a grown up and she has to belittle and call his kink "disgusting" and straight up tell him he's an abuser. Ugh. Shut up Elena!

When Sinclair got that e-mail it was clear that was going to change him for a bit and I'm glad it wasn't for very long. Giselle nipped that in the butt and showed him, told him what she wants is what he can give her and what she wants him to give her.

And again, Elena was not my favorite person. So many interactions between her and Giselle, and her and Sinclair just made me hope she would go away, for awhile.

The only thing, that I felt was a misstep was the Christopher thing. And Giselle made a dumb decision.
SpoilerSo in the previous book, Giselle feels like someone is following her, she immediately tells people and manages to stay the night at Elena and Sinclair's home. All good things to do, all smart things to do. There's also a moment, when Sinclair is wooing Giselle to take a chance on him for real, that she gets a random picture but because it's during this time when she's getting gifts from Sinclair she doesn't think much of it.

However in this book, she gets a threatening note at her and Cosmia's apartment but doesn't tell anyone. The only person she kind of tells, is Dante, who doesn't really do anything as far as I can tell. So of course he shows up at her art show and no one knows that they need to be extra watchful over Giselle because she, again, didn't tell anyone!

Content warning:
SpoilerThere is a forced oral rape, it's not graphic, not by the hero, but how the passage of time is written and a couple lines here and there, it definitely happened.

This was an amazing finale. I'm so happy we have more with this family and Cosmia and Alexander! I cannot wait to read the duet of them!