A review by narcissia
White Cat by Holly Black


White Cat is everything that I heard it'd be. It's magical, mysterious, and dangerous. It has an amazing cast of characters and a likable hero in Cassel Sharpe.

Cassel is a loner and his mind is always working like that of a conman, something instilled in him by his mother. He doesn't fit in with his family of curse workers, and he holds himself at a distance from his fellow classmates at school. He keeps the secret that he killed his best friend close to himself and he suffers from the partial memory of it. He's clever. He doesn't fit in, but he doesn't bemoan the fact. He has a dark past. And he knows that he's done bad things. He isn't a bad guy, but he worries that he is. And as things start to get weird, he begins uncovering secrets.

This world in which curse workers exist is not so unlike our own, aside from this one bit of magic. The inclusion of the mobster aspect enhances the curse working and reinforces the sinister potential that those with these abilities possess. Combining the curses and the mafia gives the story an edge and a uniqueness that I can appreciate. The plot moves along steadily, fueled by Cassel's curious struggle to uncover the truth, and the conclusion is satisfying.

If you like urban fantasy, mystery, danger, and magic, then you will probably enjoy White Cat.