A review by whatyoutolkienabout
Merciless Waters by Rae Knowles


This novella packs a punch. Knowles weaves together folklore, sapphic and female rage, emotion and visceral depictions with just enough spice into this tale. The fact it is set on the high seas is just the icing on top.

Due to its length it is hard to review the tale without spoilers so I will focus instead on the characterisation and writing. First let me say I adored the characters Jaq and Lily (and of course Ambrose). But all the characters shine through, even the terrible ones. They are brought to life by Knowles writing and each given a unique voice.

The tone and pace suit the novella perfectly. I adored how the timeline seemed to flit between past and present mirroring the confusion of the characters as they slowly remember their pasts. It is hauntingly beautiful in places and purely visceral in others. I was well and truly captivated from start to finish and will certainly look for more from this author.

If you love tales of folklore, feminine rage and beautiful prose this is for you.