A review by court_of_stars
Never Coming Back by Alison McGhee


I have not been looking forward to talking about this book, because my mama always taught me that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. But not saying anything would defeat the purpose of this.

Let's try this in the kindest way possible. "Never Coming Back" by Alison McGhee is a book about Clara, and her mother who happens to have early on-set Alzheimer's. The prose jumped around so much that every transition I was pulled out of the text. What should have taken me a night to read took three because of these interruptions.

Maybe purposeful, but the author wrote as if she herself had Alzheimer's and we were just seeing portions of her memories--scattered and disjointed through Clara. The additional characters did not add to the book. The descriptions were lacking. The repetitious self talk with exclamation points turned into areas of groaning and skipping.

Final rating: 1.5 stars. I've read worse, just not a lot.

Happy reading!