A review by arafat
The Arabian Nights: A Companion by Robert Irwin


This is a good reader, and not just as a companion to the Arabian Nights. The book reads almost like a cultural history (esp. of literature and the arts) of the medieval Near East. Irwin does a great job of reviewing the history of the Nights tradition, starting from some of the early (Indian) sources all the way up to the 18th/19th century French/British translation enterprise. There's a lot to learn here and while the book isn't academic in the sense of dense, daunting prose (that's a compliment...), it's a great starting point for further readings. I ended up discovering a lot of fun/quirky details about medieval Arab/Muslim culture. If you're a fan of the 1001 Nights, this book is a must read. If you're not, well, read this book and you'll become one!