A review by nicolemhewitt
Mightier Than the Sword: The Edge of the Word #2 by Alana Harrison, Drew Callander


For a giveaway of this book and to see a fun list of the authors' Top Ten Addictions, check out this review on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction.

I dare say that this second book in the series is even more interactive than the first! The book puts you right in the action, since you’re the main character (much like a Choose Your Own Adventure book) as you go on a quest to save Astorya by hiding the Original original in a place no one will ever look for it—on the Other Side (basically the underneath side of the world). This book includes even more fun Mad Libs style fill-in-the blanks and gives you more chances to actually draw your creations (for instance, you design a monster disguise that you wear in order to fool the monsters on the Other Side). And it also includes puzzles that you have to solve in order to complete your quest.

This book is full of surprises (especially since you get to make up some of it yourself), and the quest ends in an unexpected way (something I always appreciate as a reader). Kids will love the battles with Other Side monsters and the goofy humor. These books are incredibly fun, and I highly recommend the series!!

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***