A review by jenafyre
An Indecent Proposal by Katee Robert


Even though this is the third book in the series, An Indecent Proposal (The O'Malleys #3) by Katee Robert can be read as a stand alone. I would highly recommend that you read the entire series however, because you will get an even better look into the life of the O'Malley family. This is the story and the future of Cillian and Olivia.

Cillian O'Malley has a lot of guilt. He blames himself for the death of his brother. He is plagued by nightmares and panic attacks. He has always been the wild O'Malley, drinking, partying, and having a great time. But no more. He now finds solace sitting at the bar, drinking his apple juice and memorizing every move that the beautiful Olivia makes. Boy is he in for a world of hurt.

Olivia Rashidi is running from her past. She is the half sister of the Russian Mob Boss that wants nothing more than to take down the O'Malley family. She is the former lover of his right hand muscle man. She has run to protect herself and her daughter from the family that she accidentally was born into. She does not need another complication in the form of Cillian O'Malley, but god help her, she cannot forget the way that he holds her, kisses her, treats her, and makes her feel safe for the first time that she can remember.

When her half brother and her ex pay her a surprise visit and threaten her daughter, Olivia has no choice but the reach out to Cillian and hope that he will not let her down. On the run and wanting to keep her and her daughter safe. Cillian will break every rule, will risk his own happiness, will let her go if that's what it takes protect her, but who is going to protect his heart if she goes?

I love, love, love Cillina! He does everything in his power to prove to Olivia in word and action that she is not a quick romp in the sheets. He drops everything, leaves his family hanging in the wings when she calls begging for his help. He demands to go with her, knowing that things might be dangerous for the both of them, but knowing that he is the only person that he trusts with Olivia and her daughters safety.

Olivia is such a strong character. At first she does not think that she has what it takes to stand up to her brother, but she finds the strength to break ties with him and forces him in the end to play by her rules. The chemistry between Cillian and Olivia is amazingly HOT and the connection they have is wicked. I love how we are setup for the next book in this series and I look forward to seeing what happens with Sloane. Another amazing addition to a very addictive series.