A review by balden4325
For the Sake of Elena by Elizabeth George

"...because it all boils down to what men want, Helen. And what we want is women. But not as individuals, not as living, breathing, vulnerable human beings with a set of desires and dreams of their own. We want them --you--as extensions of ourselves."

" What we ask of them, he thought. What we expect, what we demand. But never what we will give in return. Never what they want. And never a moment's thorough consideration of the burdens which our desires and requirements place on them."

"In the end, life is all about seeking reassurance, she thought, we're all engaged in looking for some kind of sign that will tell us we're not really alone. We want a bond, an anchor that will hold us fast to a landmass of belonging somewhere, of being close to someone, of having something more than the clothes on our backs or the houses we live in or the cars that we drive. And in the end we can only gain reassurance through people. No matter how we fill our lives with the trappings of a carefree independence, we still want the bond. Because a vital connection with another human being always carries the potential to act as a viable approbation of the self. If I am loved, I am worthy. If I am needed, I am worthy. If I maintain this relationship in the face of all difficulties, I am somehow whole."