A review by bea__reads
Deadly Games by Lindsay Buroker


[First read November 19-23 2011]

I am now three books into my reread of this series. I have been listening to the audiobooks for the first 3, which are fabulous and you should check them out, but alas, I must now return to regular ebooks. I hope one day Lindsay Buroker will release the rest of the series in audio format, but I think a change of narration might spoil it for me. Starla Huchton offers a superb performance and I found myself laughing out loud, not just at Lindsay Buroker's word choice, but at Ms. Huchton's delivery of the lines. The combination is perfection.

Now, I suppose I could spend my time reading some of the hundreds of books on my TBR list, but the pleasure of entering this universe again is just too much to resist. Amaranthe Lokdon and her band of uniquely skilled misfits friends are a pleasure to follow across Turgonia and beyond. With humor, drama, and a few crazy plans that are bound to get someone killed (seriously, Amaranthe, what are you thinking?), reading these books makes for some excellent stress relief. Even without the twisting and turning plots this series is so full of, or the humor laden interactions between Amaranthe and literally anyone else, the slow build of a blossoming romance between one notorious blond assassin and the girl who just wants him to be happy (a little smile wouldn't kill him, would it?) would be enough to keep me hooked. Just go read these books. Right now.

In summary, I will gladly enter this magical world again and again in whatever formats are available to me. If I could somehow live inside of a book world, this would be the one I chose, if only so that I can be best friends with Amaranthe...

Next up is to purchase all the paperback versions, so that I may gaze longingly at the collection upon my shelves, and perhaps even force them upon unsuspecting friends and family.