A review by inkyfingerspgs
One Perfect Lie by Lisa Scottoline


I received a copy of this book through a Goodreads giveaway in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first Lisa Scottoline book I have read in over a decade, and I'm not sure that I'm really part of her target audience. I do enjoy thrillers, and I think this book is technically supposed to fit in that category, but it seemed like the parts that should have been the most thrilling were kind of rushed through, which minimized the excitement for me. The focus is more on the characters and how they feel about themselves and each other, but I never really connected with any of them, so it was hard for me to care about their every thought and feeling. There is a major revelation a little less than halfway through the book. I was pretty interested until that part, but the suspense dropped off after that and I found it hard to stay interested.

I definitely have a hard time suspending my disbelief, so the fact that many of the main character's actions seemed unnatural was hard for me to get past. Also, I strongly dislike insta-love, where two characters meet and instantly fall for each other. Again, that just seems unbelievable to me, though it seems to happen often enough in books and movies.

All of that being said, I did enjoy the book. It was entertaining and I don't regret reading it, though I would have been disappointed if I had paid for a hardcover copy.