A review by ebook_em
What My Bones Know: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma by Stephanie Foo


I loved a lot about this book, especially the inclusion of audio from the author’s actual sessions with one of her most recent therapists in the audiobook version. Foo’s journalistic voice melds beautifully with her personal reflections to create a vulnerable memoir. I have a couple friends with CPTSD and I feel like this book helped me understand their experiences better. 

A few things I didn’t love: she sometimes uses stigmatizing (and possibly inaccurate) language about other mental illnesses like DiD. While she does acknowledge the allegations of abuse against him — and I realize there are very few credible sources to cite for this topic — I didn’t like how much she referenced Bessel van der Kolk. In general, I think she could have taken a bit more care when presenting some of the “scientific” material that she generalized to others outside her own experience.