A review by misslonely85
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami


Haruki Murakami's surreal world had pleased me in the past, but this time, I found myself annoyed. I usually appreciate the writing of Murakami, which is poetic and mystical, but in this book, something didn't work for me. I thought about giving up several times, but in the end, I didn't. You know, when you are reading a book and that you think about all the parts you would have cut? Well, I spent my reading thinking about that.
Sometimes it was too much, that day-to-day life about shaving and cooking spaghetti and having erotic dreams. I read fast, but I'm not a patient person, far away from it. I don't mind if a book has eight hundred pages when it's interesting, but in The wind-up bird chronicle, almost nothing happened. Strangely, it reminded me of Virginia Woolf and her elliptic writing. Like Woolf, Murakami writes beautifully, but something is missing. I didn't feel that spark of fascination I felt for Murakami in his other novels. So why the hell did I keep reading until the end? Probably because this novel is a classic of the 1990s, praised by almost everybody.