A review by mwatts168
Columbine by Dave Cullen

This was one of the most unsettling books I've read. This was not only because of the tragedy but the reality it tells. First, it tells how tourists came to Columbine because a school shooting was so unheard of, whereas now they don't affect us. Then, it shows how victims are forced to desensitize themselves. In the book, Cullen explains how the Sherrif had the command over the investigation but the Sherif wasn't experienced, and he was more of a poser. The Sheriff wouldn't follow the direction of the FBI or other investigators (similar to a certain president and his behavior....). There were instances of cover-up and other corrupt actions.
I sympathized with the killer's families. The majority of the public blamed their parents for what happened. The author goes into detail to explain why they are all little to no fault. They couldn't have prevented this. No one could. The book goes on to disapprove (even though it wasn't a "movement" at this time) the "Walk up, not out" movement that sparked after the "School Walkouts" that were to pressure actions from policymakers. They relayed the observations made by Dwayne Fuselier. He explains how Eric was a Psychopath and his actions were not due to bullying.
He also shows us the relationship between Dylan and Eric and how different they were.

I would recommend this book to those interested in Psychology.