A review by trackofwords
War of Secrets by Phil Kelly


The third instalment of the Space Marine Conquests series, War of Secrets sees Phil Kelly explore the integration of Primaris Marines into the ever-secretive, antagonistic Dark Angels Chapter. In battle against the t’au on the industrial world of Saltire Vex, Lieutenant Xedro Farren and his Primaris brothers find the Dark Angels under Interrogator-Chaplain Zaeroph to be less than welcoming. It’s not long before Farren sees hints of an ulterior mission and another shadowy enemy, whom Zaeroph will do anything to catch. Meanwhile within the ranks of the t’au a separate conflict is brewing, and loyalties on both sides are questioned.

This is a real goldmine of fascinating details and ideas, about both the Primaris Marines and the t’au, but thankfully that doesn’t come at the expense of a good story. To get the most out of some of the concepts you probably need to be fairly well up on ‘current’ 40k lore, but even if not it should be easy enough to follow, and grasp most of the detail. There are moments where the writing feels a touch clunky, including a slightly forced last-act decision, and some of the supporting characters – on both sides – are a little under-developed, especially the true antagonist of the story who’s essential to the plot but lacks a little personality and motivation. Those are minor issues, however, and as a whole it hangs together really well as a gripping, entertaining and faction-appropriate story.

Read the full review at https://www.trackofwords.com/2018/07/11/war-of-secrets-phil-kelly/