A review by techiechick
Real Artists Have Day Jobs: (and Other Awesome Things They Don't Teach You in School) by Sara Benincasa

This book is a collection of essays by comedian Sara Benincasa. She covers mental illness, career choices, animal adoption and more. There isn't a narrative thread through the essays, so it would be as enjoyable to dip as it would be to plough through from start to finish, in fact, it may be better to read an essay, and let the ideas "settle" before reading another.

No revolutions will be started as a result of reading this book, unless being excellent to yourself as well as to others is revolutionary. There are some ideas I will apply and some I will respectfully leave where they are. However, there are some strategies for improving life in general, and allowing your creative self to flourish (but not in the classic hippie-way that sentence makes it sound).

I found Sara's style very accessible, and the essays to be consistently enjoyable to read. She does not use a formulaic style that I was able to detect, which meant that I wasn't distracted by style over substance. Some of the content is reasonably "adult" so not appropriate for younger readers, but I'd say this collection has something educational to say to over-18s of any gender.