A review by christyduke_5117
Cold-Hearted Concept by Whitley Gray


I apologize profusely to the author for taking so long to read this second installment in the 'Concepts' series. Considering how much I loved the first book and that, at the time, Whitley Gray was a new-to-me author, I have been waiting for this next story with Beck and Zach. I couldn't wait to dig in to more homicide, hot sex, and fabulous characters! So if I forget to say it when I'm done, thank you, Whitley.

"There was no longer any reason not to leave the behavioral unit. Other than Zach’s reluctance. If it weren’t for that niggling feeling that no one else could manage Zach’s cases as well as he had, it would be easy to leave the unit. Maybe his ego was the main roadblock here. Maybe loss of control was."

It was tough to see Zach struggling with leaving the FBI. Even though Beck understands it's not him who is giving up his cases, stuff that he worked hard on, and that are still not resolved. Now it seems a second killer is taunting Zach and he gets dragged back into profiling for the FBI even though he is on leave before resigning. The new killer has tied it into Denver and Beck is so not happy about this turn of events. Beck's insecurities are riding him, afraid that Zach is going to go back to the FBI and he'll lose him completely.

Please find my full review at Rainbow Book Reviews

Merged review:

I apologize profusely to the author for taking so long to read this second installment in the 'Concepts' series. Considering how much I loved the first book and that, at the time, Whitley Gray was a new-to-me author, I have been waiting for this next story with Beck and Zach. I couldn't wait to dig in to more homicide, hot sex, and fabulous characters! So if I forget to say it when I'm done, thank you, Whitley.

"There was no longer any reason not to leave the behavioral unit. Other than Zach’s reluctance. If it weren’t for that niggling feeling that no one else could manage Zach’s cases as well as he had, it would be easy to leave the unit. Maybe his ego was the main roadblock here. Maybe loss of control was."

It was tough to see Zach struggling with leaving the FBI. Even though Beck understands it's not him who is giving up his cases, stuff that he worked hard on, and that are still not resolved. Now it seems a second killer is taunting Zach and he gets dragged back into profiling for the FBI even though he is on leave before resigning. The new killer has tied it into Denver and Beck is so not happy about this turn of events. Beck's insecurities are riding him, afraid that Zach is going to go back to the FBI and he'll lose him completely.

Please find my full review at Rainbow Book Reviews