A review by janaybrazier
Miracle On 5th Avenue by Sarah Morgan


The third installment in the series and officially my favourite. It's set at Christmas, which makes me a little sad because it means I can't reread it whenever I want because it's not socially acceptable to read a Christmas book before November and after the new year. But I'll have to live with that and look forward to the holiday season when I can acceptably pick up this book again. This was by far my favourite of them all, mainly because I related to Eva the most with her romantic outlook on life. I also loved the romance in this book. Ugh, just writing about it makes me want to read it again now. It's just so good, but I would recommend reading the series from the beginning, even though a lot of people say you can read each of them as stand-alone books, it's nice to have the background stories from the beginning and experience everybody's relationships in order.