A review by victoriadiesattheend
We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast by Jonathan Safran Foer


I find it hard to rate non-fiction but this was just good, I highlighted and annotated a bunch. I mean it was just a book about the fate of our planet and climate doom. It was sad and depressing but also inspiring and re-affirming. The whole point of the book was that humans need to eat less animal products and he even highlighted his own hypocrisy and shortcomings, but he managed to make the short book about a lot more than that.

I find I need to remind myself the earth is dying or else I get lazy with my ethics, we tend to not see what we ignore or tend to think it will all go away, that some smart scientist will invent something that will save us all soon enough. Reading this helped and outside of feeling doomed made me feel more inspired.

Love this author’s writing so I really want to read his fiction works soon :)