A review by ssejig
Affair by Amanda Quick


Charlotte Arkendale saved herself and her sister twice, first when she drove away the stepfather who had sold her sister and then by coming up with a means to support the two of them, by researching men's backgrounds. She would tell women whether or not they should marry the men who so profoundly professed their love.
However, one of her clients has been murdered and she is anxious to find out why.
So is Baxter St. Ives. His aunt has asked him to investigate the same murder, a woman who was her friend. St. Ives has also had to make his way in the world, the product of a fiery and well-known liaison between unmarried parents.
The two cross paths and are immediately interested, but wary. Charlotte has seen what an unwise marriage can take from a woman and Baxter has witnessed first-hand what passion can do to a family.
Oh, and there's an enemy from the past who wants to kill them both. So there's that to deal with.