A review by jennifermreads
Would It Kill You to Stop Doing That: A Modern Guide to Manners by Henry Alford


Another reviewer on Goodreads said “This book is exceptionally disjointed, and I am a bit upset that the author could pass this off as "A Modern Guide to Manners.’” I couldn’t have said it better myself. This book should not be considered a guide to manners at all … humorous and anecdotal, yes, but guide to manners? Not one lick! Problem: each of the libraries in my library's inter-library loan system have this book catalogued in etiquette … of course, the title page verso tells us it is etiquette but oh it so shouldn’t be! Even if this book had just been a discourse on how bad manners have become, I would have been happier with its categorization. I ended up all-around disappointed: not an etiquette book (which I could read ‘til the cows come home … just like wedding planning books!) and not even a whining book (which would have been funny & had me nodding my head a lot). Just move along to something else.