A review by cpcabaniss
The Light of All That Falls by James Islington


"Evil men rarely convince others to their side by asking them to perform dark deeds for no good reason. They will always start with the lightest shade of gray. They so often use what seems like a good cause."

It's been two years since I read An Echo of Things to Come and to say that I had forgotten a lot would be an understatement. The recap in the beginning of this did a wonderful job of catching me up. I'm sure there are still many things that I missed, but this book was good.

I almost want to go back and read the trilogy over again so I can catch more of the subtle details. This one played with time and the magic system in surprising and fascinating ways.

And the ending! What an ending it was! I loved it. There were some things that I was a bit bothered by earlier and the ending didn't erase them, but it definitely impacted me more because of those previous thoughts.

There is plenty still in this world to explore and I'm kind of hoping that James Islington does just that.