A review by literallyilliterate
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett


As a reader, one of the best feelings is when a book you predicted would be five stars IS ACTUALLY FIVE STARS.

Tom Lake is a wonderful listen. Meryl Streep's narration adds humor and emotion at just the right parts, really enhancing the story. Sure, there are some weird things in this book, but for me personally they didn't take away from my enjoyment. Even if this had just been about the Michigan cherry farm and had nothing to do with Peter Duke or theatre, I would've enjoyed it. Lara and the relationships she has with her husband and girls are so beautiful and sweet; they seriously felt like real people to me. What I love most is that Lara could have had everything. She could've become a highly acclaimed actress like Duke, yet she was content to live on a cherry farm in Michigan with her three daughters. I want the kind of gratitude and contentment she has with where she's ended up in life. The writing was a bit jarring at times but was very good overall. This was my first Anne Patchett novel, and I don't think it will be my last.