A review by shannonleighd
Batman/Superman, Volume 2: Game Over by Greg Pak, Jae Lee, Brett Booth


Didn't really appreciate the sentiment that gamers who play violent video games = violent people.

Also, even not knowing a single thing about releasing video games it should be easy to surmise that alpha testing comes before beta.

[a:Jae Lee's|12738|Jae Lee|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1383510120p2/12738.jpg] art style has really grown on me though. Bad thing is I read this simultaneously with [b:Worlds' Finest, Vol. 4: First Contact|21532175|Worlds' Finest, Vol. 4 First Contact|Paul Levitz|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1411931617s/21532175.jpg|40860532] because the story goes back and forth (annoyingly) between both volumes and it was actually super jarring to go from Lee's art to another artist's. Lee's is just so unique and I think it really fits the Bat-Fam's series because it just looks ... darker. More menacing.

This page in particular really made me wish he did more Batman comics:

The Batman/Superman story was good after the ridiculous Game Over story, but I ended up liking seeing them with Huntress/Power Girl more.