A review by laurla
Ariel: A Book of the Change by Steven R. Boyett

"why did i suddenly have the feeling that i was the one who had no place in the world, that it (unicorn) was more real than i was?"

"do not confuse 'duty' with what other people expect of you; they are utterly different. duty is a debt you ow to yourself to fulfill obligations you have assumed voluntarily. the reward is self respect. (-robert heinlein time enough for love)"

"it is not your manly duty to protect me."
"thats an easy thing to say, but would you put a bolt in a mans back while i'm busy fighting him? i'm not talking chivalry, i'm talking survival. i dont expect you to like it; i dont like it either. i just want you to understand it."

-he's walked in worn out boots to the point that his feet are bloody wounds, yet in the mall he only grabs THREE pairs of socks. *rolls eyes*. if you know you're going to be walking hundreds of miles and you've got wounds all over your feet, wouldnt you want more socks? clean socks?