A review by liketheverb
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson


An astounding collection of NDT's (Neil DeGrasse Tyson's) essays, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry brings complex theorems and complicated ideas from astrophysics to the average person. With an inimitable clarity, NDT exposes us (the readers) to the history of the universe and humbles us with what he denotes as "the cosmic perspective." Armed with real-world, mundane examples of physical principles, NDT takes the reader on a journey through the field of astrophysics in this brief, but surprisingly thorough scientific anthology. In separate, but not altogether unrelated, essays, the reader conquers complex ideas of quantum mechanics, black holes, dark matter, and cosmology all while waiting for your morning coffee or enjoying your daily bus ride. While astrophysics may seem daunting at first, this book is a solid introduction to the field and can be a truly humbling read for those who can connect to NDT's cosmic perspective.